The Countermove of God

The Countermove of God

God’s counter to Satan is to redeem His people by sending them power in the Holy Spirit and resurrecting them by faith in the Word of God. They will thus enter into the glory of the Lord as the great multitude in white robes who come out of the tribulation, their robes washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb.

The Last Move of Satan

The Last Move of Satan

Perilous times are ahead as Satan strengthens his hold on his people and seeks to make them free of God’s rule. He is getting ready for the battle as we read and he will set up his evil government after the rapture of the saints. Amen.

Embracing a Fasted Lifestyle

Embracing a Fasted Lifestyle

We must live a fasted life so that when Jesus comes to get us, we will not have the same experience as Lot’s wife. Salt as we know makes itself known by its presence. But if it loses its saltiness, it will be thrown out because it is not fit for the soil or for the manure heap. Rich soil and manure heap act as fertilizers for plants and aid their growth. We are of no use to God if we lose our flavor of saltiness because we will make no difference to God’s kingdom and will therefore be thrown out. (14:34-35)

Five Keys to be Transformed from Darkness to Light

Five Keys to be Transformed from Darkness to Light

The Lord God reassures us that we need not worry about anything but rest confidently in His ability to provide for all our needs. We must rest in Him at all times and be constantly led by His Spirit who comforts us in our trials and helps us with divine wisdom. Our Lord is very compassionate. He causes the hearts of kings to become favorable to us. When Daniel and his friends were exiled, God caused Ashpenaz, chief of king Nebuchadnezzar’s court officials, to show favor and sympathy to Daniel and his friends. – Daniel 1:9. The Lord can help us in many ways that we can never imagine but it is necessary that we fully trust in Him to provide for us. Goodness and mercy shall surely follow you all the days of your life. Amen.

What does it mean to be mature in Christ?

What does it mean to be mature in Christ?

Sheep hear His voice. If He does not speak, the sheep must refrain from doing as they please. But babes do not listen or wait to hear His voice. They run ahead of the flock and try to impress the shepherd but end up feeling left out, dry and run down. If we follow the Lord, He will lead us to the places we must go. This alone will satisfy us rather than pursuing a righteousness of our own. 

What are works of the flesh?

What are works of the flesh?

There are two types of works of the flesh: the first type are acts we do before we are born-again and the second type are acts we do outside of God’s will after we are born-again.

Pursuing the desires of our hearts can lead us into all kinds of error. There is a need to sanctify our hearts so that we will not lust after vain pleasures and instead find stability, peace and joy in following God’s leading in our hearts.

The Remedy for Old Wineskins

The Remedy for Old Wineskins

Old wineskins must receive the Lord Jesus Christ as the bread of life so that they will never be hungry, and believe in Him so they will never be thirsty. – John 6:35.  The words of Jesus give life to our bodies that are dead because of sin. As we read the Word of God, He starts working within us. He changes us day by day. – Mark 4:27-29. As we keep on reading (and obeying), He fills us with His living waters so that we will be full of life and vitality. Then you will not wither in the scorching sun or dry up in days of famine. The hand of the Lord will sustain you from within.

Gleanings from Animal Farm

Gleanings from Animal Farm

This book is inspired by the Holy Spirit because God desires for us to be prepared for the end times. This book provides accurate information on how to prepare and be set apart for the times ahead. The main theme is avoiding corruption and being united with the Holy Spirit to mature and become whole in the Lord. Towards this end, key concepts pertaining to the end times (Apocalypse) are explained with biblical examples. The book offers insights to help renew our minds and be filled with the light of the Lord. The Lord Jesus provided George Orwell’s book ‘Animal Farm’ as a reference for writing ‘Gleanings from Animal Farm for the End Times’. It uses the context offered in the story to explain important information for the salvation of our souls and finishing well. This book is now available in the following languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Danish, Finnish, Japanese, Hebrew, Arabic, Portuguese and Chinese (Traditional)

A Footstool for the Lord

A Footstool for the Lord

We give glory to Jesus when we help overcome the enemies in our lives and in others’ lives. We are reminded that we are to be humble and not consider ourselves highly for being the one sent (as a messenger or servant) but acknowledge that we are the Lord’s unworthy servants and we are worthless even when we do as He says.

The Cure for All Maladies

The Cure for All Maladies

Paul declares that it is in being truly sent with the purposes of God that God’s glory is made manifest. We have been sent to do the works of God while it is still day. Night is coming when no man can work. However we must remember that God has a plan and we need to be able to see our way through the wilderness. Jesus is our light. We seek His light to shine our way ahead.

Jesus is King Right Now!

Jesus is King Right Now!

We are to be like chosen servants doing the perfect Will of the Lord when He arrives. Even if the Lord delays His coming, we should not become weary but continue to work relentlessly. The Lord will greatly reward us for our efforts and put us in charge of His Kingdom. As our Lord and King, He has the right to command us to do His Will. Yet He desires that we will do His Will out of love and reverence for Him, for He is wise and mighty and will certainly perform His Will in the days to come.

The Best is Ahead: the Symbols in Our Past

The Best is Ahead: the Symbols in Our Past

We are now in the wilderness as far as our journey is concerned. We are yet to enter the promised land of God’s eternal Kingdom. We have been equipped and taken forward by the Mighty hand of God. We must not die in the wilderness as the Israelites did. We must obey the precepts of our loving God so that we can transition smoothly into all the Promises of God.